425th Infantry Regiment Association By-Laws

BY-LAWS of the


12 January 2002

Revised 19 March 2020




The purpose of the Association shall be to perpetuate the comradeship of members and the memory of their deeds while in the military service of the United States.  To support the recruiting, retention, training, organization and reorganization of Company F and \ or Company E (LRP), 425th Infantry Regiment and its successors, so as to keep the heritage of this organization alive.


The membership of this Association shall consist of two categories.

Active – any person shall be eligible for membership who has served honorably in Company F and \ or Company E (LRP), 425th Infantry Regiment or successor unit during peacetime or war.  Only active members shall hold office or vote.

Honorary – honorary membership will be for a period of three (3) years after which time the individual may become a dues paying member if they so desire.  Honorary membership may be conferred upon the following, after approval of a two-thirds vote of the members at any regular meeting:

  1. The father/mother/spouse of any member of Company F and \ or Company E (LRP), 425th Infantry or successor unit who served during wartime.
  2. Any person who made a valuable contribution to Company F and \ or Company E (LRP), 425th Infantry of successor unit.
  3. Any person making a valuable contribution to this Association.


President – the President shall preside at the meetings of the Association and Executive Committee, appoint committees, call special meetings, etc.

Vice-President – the Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President and succeed to the office of President in case of a vacancy.

Secretary – the Secretary shall notify the membership of the time and place of meetings, keep a record of all Association meetings and publish the minutes.

Treasurer – the Treasurer shall receive and disburse funds, keeping accurate records of the same, and make financial reports as needed, but no less than an annual report to the Association.

Adjutant – the Adjutant shall keep the permanent records of the Association, maintain the membership records, maintain the Association web site, and make periodic newsletter mailings to the members through written and electronic means.

Quartermaster – the Quartermaster shall acquire and sell Association memorabilia. Sales will be made at Association events and through the Association website e-commerce page.

Command Sergeant Major – the Command Sergeant Major shall have served as a First Sergeant or Platoon Sergeant/Section NCOIC and shall assist the President and Vice President as needed.

Historian – the Historian shall be the custodian of all records obtainable of Company F and \ or Company E (LRP), 425th Infantry and successor units.

Executive Committee – the Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Association and shall be the governing body between meetings.


Election – no member shall be elected to office without the member’s consent.  In case a member is nominated to office and the member is not present at the meeting, the sponsor must have written consent to place the member’s name before the Association for election.

Elections for officers will take place at the annual meeting of the Association.  The term of office will be from 1 October – 30 September.


The president shall appoint committees as deemed necessary.


Annual meeting – the date of the annual meeting will be selected by the Executive Committee and will attempt to coincide with a home station assembly of the current unit.

Dues – Active and Honorary members will pay dues as established by a simple majority of the membership at the annual meeting.  Members will be considered active if they have paid dues for the current year.

Quorum – a quorum will consist of those members present at any official meetings of the Association.


The Association will create and maintain the “Gold Boot Fund.” This fund will be used to provide financial assistance to Association members and, if needed, their families.

Assistance will be in the form of a gift. The Association will request that the assistance be repaid, if possible. However, it will be made clear to the member that the assistance is a gift.

Any member requesting assistance will contact the Association Board by telephone, email, or personal contact. The Board member receiving the request will gather the following information:

  1. What is the financial need? (ie; Home or car repairs beyond the member’s financial ability to pay, loss of a job requiring short term assistance)
  2. How much financial assistance is needed?
  3. How quickly is the assistance needed?
  4. Contact information for the member.
  5. Address of where a check needs to be sent.

The Board member receiving the request should immediately email or text the board to schedule a telephone conference to discuss the situation. A minimum of three Board members must agree to render the assistance.

The member’s identity will only be known to members of the Association Board.

Periodically the Adjutant will notify the membership of the availability of the Gold Boot Fund and advise members how they can donate to the Fund.

The Treasurer will account for the Gold Boot Fund as a separate line in the Association financial report.

In the event of a member’s death, the Association President will contact the member’s family and advise them of the Gold Boot Fund and the Association can assist with immediate financial assistance of a maximum of $200. Any donations that are made and have been designated by the donor for the family will be donated to the family, even if the total amount exceeds $200.


425th Infantry Regiment Association Travel Policy for Attendance at the Annual Long Range Reconnaissance Association Rally

Whereas the mission of the 425th Infantry Regiment Association (the “Regiment”) includes the perpetuation of the lineage and honors of Co. F (Ranger) 425th Airborne Infantry, and

Whereas that mission can be supported by disseminating information about the unit history with other veteran organizations, and

Whereas the unit history reflects a designation as a Long-Range Surveillance (LRS) unit; one of only two long-range reconnaissance companies in the U. S. Army force structure, and

Whereas the National LRRP, LRP, & LRS Rally (the “Rally”) held annually in Branson, Missouri gathers many other participants from these types of units past and present which, in turn, provides an opportunity to share with those in attendance the Regiments own rich history as the longest serving LRRP/LRS company in the entire United States Army.

It has been resolved that the 425th Infantry Regiment Association Board of Directors supports the funding of a per-diem for no more than two (2) Board members who participate in the Rally each year.   This policy pertains only to then current Board members in as much as they are the designated representatives of the Association.


These By-Laws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the members present at any officially called meeting of the Association.