425th Infantry Regiment Dinner

The 2025  425th Infantry Regiment Dinner date will be announced once we finalize details.


The following dinner will be served: TBD

All non alcoholic beverages are included

Cash bar will be available

The cost per person is $ XXXX per person (TBD). All are welcome to attend, so bring your spouse \ loved one with you.

Dress code is business casual and \ or military uniform.

To reserve your ticket(s), click the link below. Please obtain your ticket(s) NLT ______

If paying online is not an option for you, you can mail a check payable to 425th Infantry Regiment Association to our Treasurer, Mike Tilley, his address is 3843 Diehl Road Metamora MI 48455.

Once you hit Add to Cart, go all the way to the bottom of the page and select the quantity of people you wish to reserve for, then the price on the right will refresh accordingly.