Membership Center

Welcome to the 425th Infantry Regiment Association Membership Center.

To enroll and pay by credit card, Click on the “Add to Cart” Button and select the number of years you want to enroll/renew your membership.

You can now pay $50 and get the sixth year free.

Every member gets an Association ID card issued at no extra charge.

You may change quantities before completing the sale. Once you are ready, go to the “Checkout with PayPal” button.  You don’t need a PayPal account. PayPal will accept MasterCard and Visa.


To enroll and pay by check,  click this link Membership.  Download the form and mail the form with the check ($10 per year, or if pay $50 you get six years) to our Association Treasurer:

Mike Tilley  3843 Diehl Road  Metamora MI 48455