Archive History 2011

The National Anthem

All FOUR verses of our National Anthem – Note the third and fourth verses!

The National Anthem

Oh, say! can you see by the dawn’s early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming;
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there:
Oh, say! does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In fully glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh, long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution!
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Oh, thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war’s desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav’n-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust”:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.




The mission of the 425th Regimental Association is to perpetuate the history, lineage and honors of Co F (Ranger) 425th Infantry.  Membership in the Association is open to anyone who served in Co F (Ranger) 425th Infantry, or any successor unit.

The 425 Associations, summer family picnic was held again this year in conjunction with the 82nd Assn. summer picnic at St Clair Shores.  We wish all of you could have attended because we all had a great time.  The business meeting was held at Bruce VFW Post and we signed up a number of new members.  I would like to personally welcome all of the new members to the Association.

This would also be a good opportunity to thank all of our older members for their faithful membership over the years as well.  I especially appreciate those that cannot attend our meetings because they live in faraway places, but still remain loyal members of the Association.  We miss seeing you there but know you are with us in spirit.

We are currently in the process of planning our next meeting and look forward to seeing more of you there.  Information to follow when details are confirmed.

We want to thank Elwood Kyle for a donation of 200 challenge coins he procured and donated to the Association.  We are selling them for $7.00 each or two for $10.  They are smaller than our original 425th Association coins and are not in color as the originals but are a bargain at 7 bucks.  Open the attachment to see what one looks like.  By the way we still have a supply of the original style for sale as well.  Contact me to purchase either style by mail.  Postage and handling are included in the price.

Please note the dated information from former Co. F Troop, 1SG Hagelgans, Co “B” 1-125, in Section 3:

Dean Burchill / President


Hello folks.  As you may recall our Association has been involved the past several years with the Willow Run Air Show parking concession, which is run by Tammy Merkel, former leader of the CO F.  Family Support Group.  In past years we donated the funds we earned from this project to the CO F, FRG.  This year, due to the deactivation of CO F and its support group, it was decided that the funds we earn will go into the 425th Regimental Association fund and be used to help soldiers in need and associations like the Wounded Warriors Project.  Read below for an account of the funds earned by the parking concession sent to us by Tammy Merkel.

On a personal note: I would like to point out that if we would have had more volunteers, like we did in past years, the work load would have been much less and the funds earned for our warrior charities would have been much greater.  It is not often we have an opportunity like this so hopefully more members will find the time to volunteer next year.

Association members volunteering this year were: Chariman Dave Lincicome,  Dean Buchhill,  Richard Fox, Phil Griglio, Mike Fitzgerald, Chuck Eddy, Pete Bonderczuk, and Chuck Lovett who almost got there but had vehicle problems inroute.

I would like to point out that we also had some much needed help on Saturday, from a personal friend, Bryan Boyadijian and his family, Jordan, Nicky and Victoria.  Without their help there would only have been two of us working on Saturday and we could not  have fulfilled our mission.  I also want to note that in addition to helping us fulfill our mission, our commission for the 425 Association fund was greatly increased by their help.  We are grateful for their help and plans are currently in the works to have some Meritorious Achievement Awards, designed and printed up.  Brian and his family will be the first to receive them.

Many of you have been asking for T-shirts and Hats  with 425 Association logos.  We now have a great line of excellent quality products with our logo EMBROIRDED on them.

We are currently working to make them available for order on our 425 Regimental web site.

For now we do have a limited number of items available in stock in verious sizes. For further details call or email me at my contact my info at end of this article

  • T-Shirts:             $25.00
  • Hats:                   $20.00
  • License Plates:   $25.00

Report From Tammy Merkel


Thank you and all the 425 Regimental volunteers.  Sorry for delay, I have heard back from everyone that the volunteer file was correct so I could finalize the calculations.  This year, the airshow director increased our payment from the $5000 we expected to $7000 since the Blue Angels were there and we had a big job.  After all the calculations, we had 108 volunteers.  25 of them were volunteers that have worked with me for a few years, but donate their funds to the other groups as their way to support the military.  As a result, the calculations were based on 83 volunteers.  425 had 13 volunteers or 16% of the total volunteers.  16% of $7000 is $1096.39.  I will send a check out this weekend for that amount.

Below is the breakdown of the calculations.

# of vol. % of total Vol      % of total $          Group

11           13%       $927.71                A 125

12           14%       $1,012.05             D 125

27           33%       $2,277.11             HHC

20           24%       $1,686.75             126

13           16%       $1,096.39             425 Reg

25           0%          $0.00                    Interact

108         100%     $7000                  Total

Again, I want to thank you.  All the volunteers were wonderful.  The Airshow coordinator was thrilled with how smooth the parking lots ran.  We a lot on Sat and improved many processes for Sunday.  We will continue to take the learning to improve for next year.  We are still working on finalizing the dates for next year, but should have them soon.  We are waiting for a couple confirmations, before we announce.  Next year we will not have the Blue Angels so we will be paid $5000.  I hope you will consider volunteering again!!

Let me know if you have any questions.  I hope you are doing well.  I will talk with you soon.


Dave Lincicome / Vice President.


Our last meeting was held at Bruce VFW Post, St Clair Shores 30 July 2011

Officers present were; Pres.  Dean Burchill, VP.  Dave Lincicome, Treas.  Tom Neff, Sec.  Ben Walker,  Adj.  Bob Wangen,

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Treasurers report was read and approved.


Generalized reports and topics of discussion included the following:

— Membership Report:  At meeting time we had 102 dues paying members.  Currently, we have 129 dues paying members.  We are growing.

— Historian Report:  Project is 95% finished.  However the projected completion date of September is in question because information and pictures from both CO. F deployments are still coming in.

— Air Show Parking Project Report: Proceeds from the project not available at this time.  Refer to Vice President section for further information.

— Unit Colors and Memorabilia Committee Report:  Due to military regulation the Unit Colors will be maintained by the Property Office, at State HQ.  The committee will co-ordinate with State HQ to take possession of other items but we still need a place to secure them  Bob Wangen presented the possibility of contacting COL Jim Spackman, President of the FT Custer Historical Society.  They are opening a museum but don’t have a building yet.

Keith Meade informed us that CO F Commander CPT Jenzen, had hand receipted a lot of the memorabilia to First Sergeant Henry of C Troop, 126th Inf.  for safe keeping, until a permanent place to display them could be found.  (1SG Henry is a former CO F Platoon Sergeant).

— Annual Election of Officers:

President Dean Burchill conducted the Annual Election of Officers with the following results.

  • President /  Dean Burchill
  • Vice President /  Dave Lincicome
  • Treasurer / Tom Neff
  • Secretary / Ben Walker
  • Sergeant Major / Chuck Lovett
  • Historian / Don Bug
  • Adjutant Bob Wangen re-appointed by President Burchill


Old Business:

— A tabled motion by Ben Walker from last meeting, to look into why we conduct membership renewal using the Fiscal Year (1 October)  instead of the Yearly Calendar was reopened.  After a logical reason was given by Bob Wangen and further discussion, Walker withdrew motion and the membership renewal date will remain as is.


New Business:

— Elwood Kyle donated 200 Challenge coins he has procured.

— The topic of membership cards was brought up from the floor and the use of virtual membership cards was discussed.  A motion was made by Wangen and seconded by Walker to send a virtual membership card by email to acknowledge receipt of dues with actual membership cards to follow periodically.  Motion passed.

— Fernando Campos brought up the question of Life Membership.  We currently do not have that option available so a committee of Campos and Eric Hennings was formed to look into the matter.

— Ben Walker told the membership that in order for members to receive newsletters and other Association email they must insure to keep him informed of any email address changes.

He also suggested that members make a file and save their old newsletters and other information sent to them, to cut down on members emailing and calling him for information that had already been posted in the newsletters.

— Fernando Campos requested that all previous newsletters be stored in a file on the Web Site.  Bob Wangen / Association Webmaster said he would start such a file.

— The matter of the disposition of painted ceiling tiles from the old Camp Grayling EM / NCO club was tabled until next meeting.  Dean Burchill volunteered to store said tiles until then.

Meeting ended 1609 hrs.

SUGGESTION:  Please save your 425 Assn. Newsletters to a file in your computer so you can look up information you may need in the future.

EMAIL ADDRESSES: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!  Email is the most efficient and cheapest way for us to keep in contact with you.  However if you change your email address and fail to notify us, then you may have broken the only string of contact we may have with you.  If you no longer desire to receive Regimental Association news or other articles of interest sent to you, that’s entirely up to you, (And feel free to let me know) but if you wish to remain in contact then don’t forget to notify me if you change your address.

Ben Walker / Secretary


Financial Summary: After various expenses including $487.08 for website and $1610.91 to purchase embroidery design disk for t-shirts and hats etc.  We have a total of $2352.97 in our various funds.  NOTE: This does not include the earnings from the parking project.

Please be advised that due to the changes made in the Association Officer Structure, all members will now send membership applications or renewal forms along with their dues, directly to the treasurer’s office.  Please go to the 425 website at for an application and other information

MEMBERSHIP & DUES:  Dues are $10.00 per year.  Currently, the membership period begins on 1 September of any given current year and ends on 31 August of the following year.  Renewals paid late will be applied to that current year.  Dues of new members signing up in second half of current year will be applied to the following year.

Membership applications and instructions are now available for down load from the 425 Association Web site.  Click on the Membership tab.


If you have enough time in to draw retired pay, you qualify for Tricare or Tricare for Life health coverage which is like health insurance but has no premium to pay.

You also qualify for their mail order prescriptions from Express Scripts.  The mail order co-pay is $1.00 per month for generic and $3.00 per month for non-generic drugs.  You get a three month supply at a time.

If you are a veteran, even with less than twenty years, you may qualify for Veterans Hospital health care.  Often they limit enrollment and treatment to only service connected injury/disability veterans, but check it out.  Visit your nearest hospital or clinic within the VA system.  Call the Ann Arbor VA hospital at 800-361-8387 and ask where the nearest one is to you.

VA’s co- pay is $8.00 per month per prescription.  Here is where the savings comes in:  Obtain a paper prescription from the VA doctor and mail it to Express Scripts, if you are receiving retired pay.  To enroll in Tricare and its Express Scripts RX program, contact DEERS at 800-538-9552 to update your information and determine your eligibility.

If you are eligible, then contact Tricare at and poke around.

Dental Insurance is also available to some at the Tricare website.  The present premium is about $34.00 per month per person.

Thomas R.  Neff / Treasurer


During the CO F Farewell Ceremony, I noted that not all veterans were saluting.  Some were placing their hand over their heart.  Although this is optional and up to the individual, some may not know about the new ruling regarding this, as follows.

The National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 contained an amendment to allow un-uniformed service-members, military retirees, and veterans to render a hand salute during the hoisting, lowering, or passing of the U.S. Flag.

A later amendment further authorized hand-salutes during the national anthem by veterans, military retirees, and out-of-uniform military personnel.  This was included in the Defense Authorization Act of 2009, which President Bush signed on Oct. 14, 2008.

HISTORY PROJECT: I have been working 4 hours daily trying to attain the projected completion date of 30 Sept 2011.  However information that must be included, especially concerning the two deployments keeps coming in.

Don Bugg / Historian

2.  Next 425th Association meeting

DTG: To be determined.



First Sergeant Kevin Hagelgans, “B” Company 1/125Inf.  Saginaw Armory, a former CO F trooper, has invited us to their deployment ceremony.  He notes that there are a number of former CO F troopers in CO B that have requested to see some Maroon Berets in crowd to support their send off.

DTG:  Ceremony takes place on 26 September at 1900 hrs.

Location: Saginaw Armory, 1800 S.  Outer Drive, Saginaw MI.  48601



First Sergeant, MIARNG

B Co.  1-125 INF



HI Guys,

Does anyone remember the year we went down to Eglin Air Force Base (Field #2) between years 78-82?  Do you have a copy of your orders for that trip on file?? Maybe, along with a personnel list that were sent to go….   If so can you send me a copy?


Mike Sorvick

[email protected]


Do you need help?

Help is just a phone call away.  If you or a service member you know needs help, call the Buddy-to-Buddy Volunteer Veteran program at 1-888-82-BUDDY (1-888-822-8339).  You’ll be matched with a veteran trained to help you find resources for a variety of readjustment issues, such as financial benefits, educational goals, emotional challenges, substance abuse, legal or job issues.

If you’re a veteran in suicidal crisis or emotional distress, PLEASE call the Veterans Suicide Prevention Hotline at (800) 273-TALK


425th Association Picnic, July 2011

The joint picnic with the 82d Airborne Division Association was a great time for all who attended.  As usual there was plenty of food and beer.  It was great to get a chance to meet old friends from Co F days and to meet some of the new members and hear jump lies that took place less than 20 years ago!

The 82d Association was highlighting the 555th Parachute Infantry Battalion, the “Triple Nickel,” the only all-black parachute unit in the Army.  It was still undergoing training at Fort Bragg in 1945 when WWII ended and was inactivated in 1947 with other units at Fort Bragg.

The skydiving demo was great.  I wasn’t sure they would do it as the wind felt pretty strong, but then I was thinking of T-10 and MC1-1 days, not high performance canopies!

Of course, much of the conversation related to the inactivation of the unit.  Getting rid of a unit with the history and proven capability as Company F is proof that the Army often doesn’t think straight.  Basil Zaviski is taking the sign he painted for the armory at Selfridge and displaying it in the Bruce VFW Post.  Dick Anderson is working with the State HQ to have the Association take possession of many of the unit items, such as the Regimental Colors and Guidon.

In the future you will be able to find copies of the E-Newsletter that Ben Walker sends out on this website and Membership cards will be sent out in an email so you can print out your own.

Don Bugg is in the final stages of completing the unit history, so if you have a story or picture that you want in it, send it to him ASAP!


The Deactivation Ceremony (End of an Era, Part II)

Sunday, 12 June 2011, was a day we all dreaded to see arrive.  It was the day of an event we had all fought as hard as we could to keep from happening, but it did.

Home Station – Co F, 425 Inf

Few Rangers that still remain in the unit as most have been reassigned to other units or gotten out.  The mood was somber as former members watched the unit prepare for their final airborne operation.

No one was surprised that the jump came off perfectly and with no injuries. Three flights were made and five sticks were dropped.  However there were so few jumpers left in the company that everyone got at least two jumps.

At 1400 hrs the deactivation ceremony took place on the lawn outside of the armory.  The ceremony began with the 82nd Airborne Association drill team, presenting the colors.

The Final Formation

The new Adjutant General for the State of Michigan, MG Gregory Vadnais, was introduced and he conducted his part of the ceremony which included a reading of the history and honors of CO F.

Following that, CPT Adam Jenzen the Company Commander came to the podium and gave a great farewell speech for Company “F” which is included in full below.

CPT Adam Jenzen (The last “Old Man”

After his speech CPT Jenzen took his place before our company one last time and the Regimental Colors, were retired by simply encasing them.  A very austere ceremony, for an end to the greatest company the MIARNG has ever seen or will ever see again.

The National Colors were then retired and it was over.

And yes there were tears in the eyes of many of those present.


Thank you to former 1SG Ben Walker for his input to this post.



I would like to welcome all of our honored guests, friends, family, and former members.

I came to the unit in 2002 taking the position of unit armorer shortly after joining the Michigan National Guard following 4 years on active duty. I expected to serve a short time with Company F, just long enough to finish my degree, hopefully receive a commission and then move on to other things. Boy was I wrong…

Company F grows on you. Here, men were encouraged to constantly improve themselves through rigorous training that pushed soldiers to their limits. Those soldiers who choose to quit, were encouraged to seek units elsewhere. This mind-set instilled a sense of belonging to those who made it.

Through an established and well executed selection and training process basic soldiers were taught to become long range surveillance team members. With the support of their fellow soldiers, new recruits gained respect and earned their positions. Bonds were established through blood, sweat, and tears creating a warrior mentality that spurred self-confidence and devotion to the unit.

Company F became a home for these men, a sanctuary from the everyday world, where you were not judged on your social status, how much money you had, or what car you drove, but on your level of dedication and performance. The friendships that were made here and the sense of pride in each soldier and the unit as a whole is one of the reasons men chose to stay here, passing up promotion opportunities and career advancement in exchange for a true sense of self accomplishment.

Through the years, the men of Company F have prided themselves as being the most highly trained and tactically proficient soldiers in the Michigan Army National Guard. Through multiple overseas training events and two deployments we have demonstrated our professionalism and level of expertise. We have proven ourselves to be the best at what we do.

I wish that I could stand before you and discuss the unit’s future; unfortunately that is not the intent of this event.  Instead, I stand before you as the last commander of Company F. It is a solemn occasion, one that we hoped would never come. The men that you see here will be the last to don the red berets and proudly call themselves members of F Company, 425th Infantry.

We find ourselves in difficult times, being forced to make choices we would rather not make. Many of you have voiced your disdain and frustration at the events that have led to this moment. We have all pointed fingers, written letters, or searched for a course of action that we hoped could prolong this moment or alter the path we have been given. Unfortunately, the decisions have been made and the time has come for us to part ways.

I encourage you to brush off the chip on your shoulder and go forth, taking with you the lessons you learned while you were here. Develop new bonds and friendships, push your fellow soldiers to improve themselves, and pass on your knowledge and experience to others. Each of you have now been charged with the responsibility of being a representative of this Company. You must set the standard, and through your actions show others that while this unit may be gone, the principles we established and the professional soldiers we created live on.

Remember that you are and will always be a member of Company F.

Rangers Lead The Way.

For “Absent Friends”

Now gone, but never forgotten – We, the 425th Regimental Association, now carry on the lineage and honors of the best LRRP company in the U.S. Army!


Annual Picnic at Bruce VFW Post

EVENT: 425th Regimental Association, Meeting & Annual Family Picnic.

WHEN: Saturday. 30 July 2011 / Family Picnic starts at 1100 hrs / Business meeting will be held at 1500 hrs.

WHERE: Bruce VFW Post / 28404 E. Jefferson Ave,   St. Clare Shores, MI (Located between 11 & 12 Mile Roads)

As in the past, the 82nd Association will be supplying hot dogs, hamburgers, condiments, paper plates, utensils, and beer.

NOTE: that this is still a pot luck and those attending are encouraged to bring a dish to pass.

There will be games for the kids, so you are also encouraged to bring a prize to donate (possibly something from the dollar store) for kids up to age 12.

At present there will be a skydive demo jump between 1300 and 1400 hours.  The 82nd will be running a closest to the pin raffle where for $5 you can buy a measurement (in increments of two inches).

If you pick the closest skydiver to the target you will win 50% of the money taken in.  The skydivers volunteer their jump to help the 82nd Association but the Jump aircraft and fuel are not free so this pays for their expenses.  Make as many guesses at 5 bucks per as you wish.

There will also be the 82nd Associations annual 50/50 raffle tickets on sale to help defray the picnic expense.    The drawing date is October 3rd during the meeting at the Bruce Post .  Ticket prices are $1 per ticket. You need not be present to win.

David Lincicome will be at the picnic selling our new line of  EMBROIDERED hats, shirts, and  license plates. (All proceeds go to the 425th Association fund)

Dean Burchilll has just ordered a new batch of our newly minted 425th Regimental Association challenge coins and will be selling them as well.  (Don’t have one? Better buy one or be prepared to do a lot of pushups)   (All proceeds for coins also go into our 425th Association fund.)

The 425th Regimental Association will have their business meeting at 1500 hrs inside the Bruce Post like we did last year.  An agenda will be provided at a later date.

This is our biggest event of the year and we are looking forward to a large turnout and a lot of fun for everyone.  As usual please leave all explosives, claymores, grenades, bayonets, machine guns and brass knuckles at home.


Final Jump and Deactivation Ceremony

The formal deactivation ceremony for Company F will take place at the unit armory on Sunday, June 12, 2011 at 1400 (2:00 PM).

If you wish to attend you MUST contact SFC Brandon Post at (586) 239-6121 or email him at [email protected].

Unless you have a current  Military ID Card,  SANGB is a bit difficult to enter.  Even if you have a Military ID Card all other adult occupants of your vehicle should have a picture ID. Preferably a drivers license

If you do not have an ID Card contact SFC Post ASAP but NLT than 1200 hrs on Wednesday,  8 June,  to be put on a list that will be sent to Gate Security.  You should still have a picture ID for all adult occupants of the vehicle but being on the list will make entry easier.  There are events on two different days. You must specify what date or dates you plan to attend.

Due to number of people attending it is suggested you get to the gate as early as possible.

The final parachute jump of the unit will also be on June 12th.  First lift at 1200 and the second at 1300 from CH-47 Chinook helicopters.

For unit members and former members only, there will be a farewell party on Friday June 10th at the armory at Selfridge ANGB starting at 2000. Food and beverages are provided.


Regimental Annual Meeting

Saturday March 12, 2011 from 1000 hrs to 1600 hrs.

  • DeWitt VFW Post #671  (NOTE: DeWitt Post  NOT Bruce Post)
  • 12250 Old US 27 Hwy
  • DeWitt, MI 48820
  • PH 517-669-9251

A giant sub sandwich will be provided but please bring a dish to pass and your own beverages as in the past. Alcoholic beverages may be purchased at the bar in the Post.

For those who want to remain overnight, the following hotels are available:

  • Sleep Inn Lansing/Dewitt
  • 1101 Commerce Park Drive
  • Dewitt, MI 48820.
  • (517) 669-8823.

Military rates is $ 59.00 plus tax. Free breakfast,

  • 1000 – 1200 – Set up luncheon table and general socializing.
  • 1200 – 1300 – Luncheon
  • 1300 – 1430 – Business meeting
  • 1430 – 1600 – More socializing / swapping of lies, war stories and other generalized BSing and possibly coin checking.

Call to Order ————————————————— Burchill

Opening Prayer———————————————— Poynter

Pledge of Alligence——————————————– Burchill

Read of the Minutes (Pass Sign in Sheet)——————- Wangen

Treasurers Report ——————————————— Neff

Recap of Dining Out ——————————————- Lincicome and/or Burchill

Coin Sale Update ———————————————– Burchill

Coordinated 82nd Assoc. Picnic & Meeting ————— All

Update on History Project ———————————– Bugg

Units Deactivation ——————————————– All

Willow Run Airshow Parking Fund Raiser —————– Lincicome

Old Business —————————————————- All

New Business ————————————————— All

Adjournment ————————————————— All

For planning purposes: IF you think you may attend PLEASE send short RSVP TO

Ben Walker at [email protected]


Parachuting Into Michigan Stadium with the 101st Airborne Division

This post is courtesy of sports blogger, Erik  Malinowski

Delivering game balls to the official before a football game isn’t normally a big deal. Oh, maybe some famous former player will get to come and wave to the crowd before he hands the ball to the head ref, but it doesn’t often get creative.

Except, that is, during last weekend’s intrastate showdown between Michigan and Michigan State in Ann Arbor. For that, UM officials decided to look to the skies.

That’s how, after a year in the planning stages, Sgt. Adam Sniffen of the 101st Airborne Division from Fort Campbell, Kentucky, jumped from a Cessna several thousand feet above Michigan Stadium and parachuted into the largest football stadium in the country. Aside from the football and an American flag, Sniffen was also sporting a head-mounted videocam that contained a tongue switch in his mouth that would take still photos. More importantly, it recorded every nuance and maneuver that went into making such an insane leap.

Most fascinating perhaps is the tipping point where you can actually start to hear 109,933 crazed fans screaming as this expert paratrooper — who hasn’t missed a target in more than 800 career jumps — comes in and sticks the landing at the 3-yard-line.


The End of an Era

Saturday, Dec 11, 2010 marked the end of an era. Company F (Long Range Surveillance), 425th Infantry held its last Dining Out. Company E & F (Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol), 425th Infantry was created from Companies A & B of the 1st Battalion (Airborne), 225th Infantry in 1968. Company E was stationed in Pontiac and Company F was stationed in Detroit. In 1972 Company E was inactivated and Company relocated to the Pontiac Armory. Company F has moved from designations as an LRRP unit through Ranger to LRS. To my knowledge Company has never failed to accomplish an assigned mission. Throughout its history the unit had a love/hate relationship with its higher headquarters, always loved by the Adjutants General and hated by the staff, yet always called on and counted on for difficult assignments.

In addition to its two recent deployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, it was the first Michigan Army National Guard unit to deploy overseas with all of its equipment since the Korean War. In the early 1990’s it got its regimental colors and Distinctive Unit Insignia from the Department of Heraldry and its motto, “Around the World Unseen.”

The final Dining Out was a great event with present and past members coming together for a final hurrah! It was a special event in that we were fortunate to have Company F’s first Commanding Officer, Tom Tack attend and speak to the audience.

Tom Tack (Gray Suit)
LTC (Ret) Tom Tack & COL (Ret) Don Bugg
MSG (Ret) Bill Poynter, COL (Ret) Don Bugg, 1SG (Ret) Charles Lovett, LTC (Ret) Bob Wangen, CPT (Ret) Wayne MacKalpain, LTC (Ret) Tom Tack, CPT Jenzen

__________________________________________________End of 2011 Posts