Archive History 2014

A Soldier’s Christmas

Airborne Christmas

The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,
I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.
My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,
my daughter beside me, angelic in rest.

Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,
Transforming the yard to a winter delight.
The sparkling lights in the tree, I believe,
Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.

My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,
Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep
in perfect contentment, or so it would seem.
So I slumbered,  perhaps I started to dream.

The sound wasn’t loud, and it wasn’t too near,
But I opened my eye when it tickled my ear.
Perhaps just a cough, I didn’t quite know,
Then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.

My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear,
and I crept to the door just to see who was near.
Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night,
A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.

A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old
Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.
Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled,
Standing watch over me, and my wife and my child.

“What are you doing?” I asked without fear
“Come in this moment, it’s freezing out here!
Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve,
You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!”

For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift,
away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts,
to the window that danced with a warm fire’s light
then he sighed and he said “Its really all right,
I’m out here by choice. I’m here every night”

“Its my duty to stand at the front of the line,
that separates you from the darkest of times.
No one had to ask or beg or implore me,
I’m proud to stand here like my fathers before me.

My Gramps died at ‘Pearl on a day in December,”
then he sighed, “That’s a Christmas ‘Gram always remembers.”
My dad stood his watch in the jungles of ‘Nam
And now it is my turn and so, here I am.

I’ve not seen my own son in more than a while,
But my wife sends me pictures, he’s sure got her smile.
Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag,
The red white and blue… an American flag.

“I can live through the cold and the being alone,
Away from my family, my house and my home,
I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet,
I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat,
I can carry the weight of killing another
or lay down my life with my sisters and brothers
who stand at the front against any and all,
to insure for all time that this flag will not fall.”

“So go back inside,” he said, “harbor no fright
Your family is waiting and I’ll be all right.”
“But isn’t there something I can do, at the least,
“Give you money,” I asked, “or prepare you a feast?
It seems all too little for all that you’ve done,
For being away from your wife and your son.”

Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret,
“Just tell us you love us, and never forget
To fight for our rights back at home while we’re gone.
To stand your own watch, no matter how long.

For when we come home, either standing or dead,
to know you remember we fought and we bled
is payment enough, and with that we will trust.
That we mattered to you as you mattered to us.

Michael Marks
December 7th, 2000


Assistance Sources

Military One Source is a one-stop service for assistance to military families.  Many of the services are for active and reserve component soldiers and families, but some are available to recently separated and retired service members.

The Veterans Administration is a source of assistance to all veterans.  Inexpensive health care is available, based on your current income.  Assistance in filling a claim for a service-related disability is also available.  These are only a sample of assistance available to veterans.

To enroll with the VA for health care, go to this site.

For active, reserve, and retirees who are looking for inexpensive campgrounds and RV parks, go to U.S. Military Campgrounds.

For those who serve or have served in the Michigan National Guard, there are resources available at their website, or


425th Regimental Association Newsletter – Fall/Winter 2014

Ranger Scroll Small425th Regimental Association


Fall/Winter, 2014



Renew Your Association Membership Online!

You may now enroll in the Association and renew your current membership online through the Association website. We are using PayPal to accept credit cards, but you do not need a PayPal account. You can use either MasterCard or Visa. Go to this link to go to the Association Membership Center to renew your membership.

Joint 82nd Airborne Division Association/425th Regimental Association Picnic

We had our joint picnic on July 28th at the Bruce VFW Post in St. Clair Shores. A good time was had by all. Shirts, hats and other Association clothing was available.

During the Association business meeting, the following items were addressed:

  1. The Dining Out was discussed and the was a sentiment that a more casual event was desired. It was decided to hold a “Prop Blast” at Kennedy’s Irish Pub on September 20th.
  2. It was decided that it was in the best interests of the membership to incorporate the Association. Dean Burchill was tasked to submit the appropriate paperwork to the State of Michigan.
  3. Dave Lincicome reported on the Thunder Over Michigan Air Show at Willow Run. This is a great fund-raising event and a lot of fun for those who volunteer for it.
  4. It was decided that the current officers would continue for the next year.

Kennedys Prop Blast - 2014Prop Blast – Kennedy’s Irish Pub

We gathered at 1600 and those that attended had a terrific time. The Association provided food, everyone bought their own drinks, shared jump lies, and generally enjoyed the being with old friends.

Thunder Over Michigan

The 125th Infantry and the 425th Air Show 2014 - Pete BonderczukRegimental Association assist the air show by providing guides for parking. This is a lot of fun and a great fund-raising opportunity. Volunteers get a chance to see much of the show from the parking lot, and some close up views during breaks. It’s also interesting to see the re-enactors as they wander through the area. We want to give a big thanks to the following volunteers.

Bob Lagana                 Chuck Lovett

Dean Burchill              Pete Bondurzuc

Tony Lopiccolo           Heather Lopiccolo

Phil Griglio                  Richard Anderson

Richard Fox                 Murray Ruppel

Dave Lincicome           Mike Lincicome-USMC

Craig Lehr

half staff flagFarewell To SSG Guy Skabardis

We are sorry to report that Gaitis (Guy) Skabardis, passed away suddenly on Saturday July 12, at the age of 77.   Guy was a former member of Co F (Ranger) 425 Infantry Regiment. He also had a son, Eric Skabardis that was a member of Co F  as well.

Services were held at the W.L. Case Funeral Chapel in Saginaw on July 17th

Military Star Card

Consider applying for the Military Star Card and get a 10% discount at Exchange food courts and $.05 discount at the Exchange gas station. (NOTE: The discounts only apply at Army and Air Force Exchanges.)

Serve Your Community Through “The Mission Continues”

In 2013, The Mission Continues introduced a new way for veterans to continue serving at home – the service platoon. A service platoon is a team of veterans, active duty service members, guardsmen and reservists that mobilizes together to solve a specific challenge in their community.

In Washington, D.C. a service platoon works to reduce hunger amongst inner-city youth. In Phoenix, another platoon works to eradicate chronic veteran homelessness. And in Orlando, members of the local platoon are mentoring at-risk youth.

United by the common bond of military service, platoons offer veterans the opportunity to make an impact in their community, and connect with others through regular social and networking events. It’s an opportunity to serve alongside a motivated team and tackle a tough and meaningful mission. It’s an opportunity to make a difference.

With the city in bankruptcy, the Detroit Service Platoon has stepped in with a commitment to community regeneration as it helps tear down some of the 40,000 dilapidated buildings recommended for removal, clear space for sustainable urban projects, and get the city back on its feet.

For more information, click on this link –

425th Regimental Association Board Of Directors, Contact Information 

President:                   Richard Anderson – [email protected]

Vice President             Mark Evans – [email protected]

Secretary:                  Tony Lopiccolo – [email protected]

Treasurer:                  Tom Neff  – [email protected]

Historian:                    Don Bugg – [email protected]

RCSM:                        Dean Burchill – [email protected]

Adjutant :                    Bob Wangen – [email protected]

Quartermaster:            David Lincicome – [email protected]


425th Regimental Association Prop Blast

20 Sep 2014

Kennedy’s Irish Pub
1055 W Huron St, Waterford Township, MI 48328
(248) 681-1050

Meet at the Company F table – Yes, it’s still there!

1600 hrs until ?????

We have a block of rooms at the Holiday Inn Express at 4350 Pontiac Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328. 248-674-3434.
Ask for block code RAA. Double rooms for $ 95.00 + tax per night.
This offer is good till 17 SEP 14.
There is no shuttle from the hotel.

Kennedys Pub


425th Regimental Association Newsletter – Summer 2014

Dining In LOGO425th Regimental Association


Summer, 2014


NOTE: If you are using an Army Knowledge Online email address or an email address from your employer, we recommend that you use a personal email account. This is so we can stay in contact with you regardless of your employment or military status.

425th Regimental Association 2014 Dining Out

The first Dining Out since the inactivation of the unit was held at the Bruce VFW Post on April 12th. It was well attended with 109 members and family present.

The evening started with time to reacquaint with old friends and comrades. Some had not seen each other in years and many of the most recent members of Co F were able to meet some of the original members of the unit. As the stories (jump lies) were told with the altitudes higher, winds stronger, and nights darker, the revelry was interrupted as everyone was asked to take their seats for dinner.

The formal portion of the evening was initiated with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Airborne Prayer.

The Roll Call of Absent Friends was followed by a moment of silence.

Regimental CSM Dean Burchill discussed the Memorial Monument at Camp Grayling and

President Dick Anderson recognized former First Sergeants and Commanders in attendance and introduced the guest speaker, former Co F First Sergeant and now CSM Bryan Merkel of the 1st Bn, 125 Infantry.

CSM Merkel recalled his time with Company F, his two deployments with the unit. When comparing his time on active duty prior to joining Company F and his time in other units since leaving the unit, he said his time with Company F was the best.

The key point of his presentation was that soldiers from Company F have been assigned to many other units and they are making a difference and adding value in every case. They are setting a new standard for excellence that is increasing unit performance.

Following CSM Merkel’s presentation dinner was served. It was generally agreed that the food was delicious and there was plenty of it.

The social gathering continued after dinner and many members hung around to adjourn to the post’s club room to continue the celebration.

We want to give special thank you to the team that coordinated this event:

  • Dean Burchill – Team Leader
  • Mark Day
  • Mark Evans
  • Tony Lopiccolo
  • David Lincicome
  • Richard Anderson
  • Tom Neff
  • Basil Zaviski

Thunder Over Michigan

Once again David Lincicome will be leading the charge for our parking project at the Willow Run Airport.   It will be the weekend of 9 & 10 August.  As in the past the Association will receive funds for our coffers in accordance to the number of volunteers we have working the parking concession. We have done well  the past several years. Let’s make this another banner year.  You can work both days or just one and get  to see the air show free.  Workers will receive their choice of a  free logo hat / T-shirt or license plate.   For more details or to volunteer contact David Lincicome.

Joint 82nd Airborne Division Association/425th Regimental Association Picnic

Saturday. 26 July 2014 / Family Picnic starts at 1100 hrs

Bruce VFW Post /  28404 E. Jefferson Ave,   St. Clair Shores, MI.   (Located between 11 & 12 mile Roads)

As in the past, the 82nd Association will be supplying hot dogs, hamburgers, (Burned to order) condiments, paper plates, utensils, and beer.  (please put a generous donation in the can to cover these and other costs)

Dinner is pot luck and those attending are encouraged to bring a dish to pass. The grill opens around noon.

There will be games for the kids, so you are also encouraged to bring a prize to donate (possibly something from the dollar store) for kids up to age 12.

At present there will be a skydive demo jump between 1300 and 1400 hours.  The 82nd will be running a closest to the pin raffle where for $5 you can buy a measurement (in increments of two inches).  (Time subject to change). If you pick the closest skydiver to the target you will win  50% of the money taken in.  The skydivers volunteer their jump to help the 82nd Association but the Jump A/C and fuel are not free so this pays for their expenses.  Make as many guesses at 5 bucks per as you wish.

Military Star Card

Consider applying for the Military Star Card and get a 10% discount at Exchange food courts and $.05 discount at the Exchange gas station. (NOTE: The discounts only apply at Army and Air Force Exchanges.)

425 Regimental Association Board Of Directors, Contact Information 

President:                    Richard Anderson – [email protected]

Vice President            Mark Evans[email protected]

Secretary:                    Tony Lopiccolo – [email protected]

Treasurer:                   Tom Neff  – [email protected]

Historian:                    Don Bugg – [email protected]

 RCSM:                         Dean Burchill – [email protected]

Adjutant :                    Bob Wangen – [email protected]

Quartermaster:        David Lincicome – [email protected]


The Path of a Warrior – Memorial Day 2014

Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, in his General Order No. 11, and was first observed on 30 May 1868, as Decoration Day, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. The first state to officially recognize the holiday was New York in 1873. By 1890 it was recognized by all of the northern states. The South refused to acknowledge the day, honoring their dead on separate days until after World War I (when the holiday changed from honoring just those who died fighting in the Civil War to honoring Americans who died fighting in any war). It is now celebrated in almost every State on the last Monday in May (passed by Congress with the National Holiday Act of 1971 (P.L. 90 – 363) to ensure a three day weekend for Federal holidays).

Traditional observance of Memorial day has diminished over the years. Many Americans nowadays have forgotten the meaning and traditions of Memorial Day. At many cemeteries, the graves of the fallen are increasingly ignored, neglected. Most people no longer remember the proper flag etiquette for the day. While there are towns and cities that still hold Memorial Day parades, many have not held a parade in decades. Some people think the day is for honoring any and all dead, and not just those fallen in service to our country.

To help re-educate and remind Americans of the true meaning of Memorial Day, the “National Moment of Remembrance” resolution was passed on Dec 2000 which asks that at 3 p.m. local time, for all Americans “To voluntarily and informally observe in their own way a Moment of remembrance and respect, pausing from whatever they are doing for a moment of silence or listening to ‘Taps.”

This video may help you remember those whom in Lincoln’s words, gave their “last full measure of devotion” to this country and the ideals it represents.

All gave some, some gave all!


425th Regimental Association 2014 Dining Out

Dining In LOGOThe first Dining Out since the inactivation of the unit was held at the Bruce VFW Post on April 12th. It was well attended with over 100 members and family present.

2014 Dining Out - 10The evening started with time to reacquaint with old friends and comrades. Some had not seen each other in years and many of the most recent members of Co F were able to meet some of the original members of the unit. As the stories (jump lies) were told with the altitudes higher, winds stronger, and nights darker, the revelry was interrupted as everyone was asked to take their seats for dinner.

The formal portion of the evening was initiated with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Airborne Prayer.Flag at halfstaff

The Roll Call of Absent Friends was followed by a moment of silence.

Regimental CSM Dean Burchill discussed the Memorial Monument at Camp Grayling and

President Dick Anderson recognized former First Sergeants and Commanders in attendance and introduced the guest speaker, former Co F First Sergeant and now CSM Bryan Merkel of the 1st Bn, 125 Infantry.

CSM Merkel recalled his time with Company F, his two deployments with the unit. When comparing his time on active duty prior to joining Company F and his time in other units since leaving the unit, he said his time with Company F was the best.

2014 Dining Out - 1The key point of his presentation was that soldiers from Company F have been assigned to many other units and they are making a difference and adding value in every case. They are setting a new standard for excellence that is increasing unit performance.2014 Dining Out - 7

Following CSM Merkel’s presentation dinner was served. It was generally agreed that the food was delicious and there was plenty of it.

The social gathering continued after dinner and many members hung around to adjourn to the post’s club room to continue the celebration.

2014 Dining Out - 4We want to give a special thank you to the team that coordinated this event:

  • Dean Burchill – Team Leader
  • Mark Day
  • Mark Evans
  • Tony Lopiccolo
  • David Lincicome
  • Richard Anderson
  • Tom Neff
  • Basil Zaviski


425th Regimental Dining Out

Dining In LOGO

425th Regimental Association Dining Out

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Bruce VFW Post

28404 Jefferson Ave., St. Clair Shores, MI

This will be our first formal event since the unit was deactivated in 2012.  This is a great opportunity to renew past friendships and make some new ones.

The Dining Out will include dinner, open bar, and a free membership in the 425th Regimental Association for all NEW members.  There will also be unit and association t-shirts, hats, coins, and other memorabilia on sale.

  • 1800    Bar opens
  • 1900    Dinner
  • 2000    Announcements, toasts, and speaker
  • 2200    Formal activities are concluded.  Members are invited to stay longer and socialize in the Post Club Room.

Our guest speaker will be CSM Bryan Merkel.  A former Co F NCO, a veteran of tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, who is now the CSM for the 1-125 Inf.  He will discuss “Life after Company F.”

The cost of this event is $30 per person.  Payment must be made in advance NLT March 31, 2014.

Payment made be made by check (payable to 425th Regimental Association), or by credit card.  For credit card payments go to, select “Make Payment,” enter your own email address, and [email protected] for the payee email address.  Make the payment as a gift, not a payment.

Regardless of your method of payment, send the attached form, or the same information in an email to [email protected].

The appropriate attire for this event for members is the Army Service Uniform, business suit, or sport coat and tie, and comparable attire for female members and guests.

A block of rooms have been reserved at the Holiday Inn Express & Suites Roseville, 31900 Little Mack Ave, Roseville, MI 48066 at a special rate of $79/night.  To get this rate, register in one of the following ways:

1 – Call the toll free reservation line 1-888-HOLIDAY and ask for the Company F-425 Association Reunion Group (group code CFA)

2 – Call the hotel direct (586) 285-5800 and ask for the Company F-425 Association Reunion Group (group code CFA)

3 – Click the link:

This rate is only available until 15 Mar 2014, after that you are on your own.

Ranger Scroll Small425th Regimental Association Dining Out

12 April 2014

Registration Form

 Name ____________________________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________________

Highest rank held _________________  Number of guests _____________________

Email address ______________________________________________________________

Phone Numbers:   Home  (______) ________________ Cell (_______)  _______________

Amount Paid $ ______________


425th Regimental Association Dining Out – April 12, 2014

Dining In LOGOThe 425th Regimental Association plans to hold a dining out April 12 2014, In order to do this we need to gauge the participation level, “HEAD COUNT” The cost per individual will be announced once a estimated attendance level is established. The cost of admission once calculated will be for the following, Hall, Open Bar, Food, and Shuttle service to the local Holiday Inn Express.

The event will take place at the VFW 1146 Bruce Post, 28404 Jefferson Ave., St. Clair Shores, Michigan. With the date placed well in advance we hope to have a huge turn out.To let the Dining Out team know you are interested in attending go to the Facebook event at  If you are not on Facebook, let us know if you are interested in attending by making a comment on this post.  Let us know if you will attend and how many guests you might bring.

We also encourage any support for this event from our members, If you have connections to have any Co.F merchandise made such as T-shirts, Mugs, Decals, Etc, please comment to this post.

_________________________________________________End of 2014 Posts