Thanksgiving – 2020
As we celebrate this year’s Thanksgiving, let’s remember our comrades who are defending freedom around the world.
Company F Table at Kennedy’s Irish Pub
Our Kennedy’s 425th Infantry table is now complete, Jon Allen, Dave Lincicome, and Fernando Campos picked it up on Saturday, October 31, 2020 and it has been taken back to Kennedy’s Irish Pub.
Many thanks to Basil Zaviski, not only did he create this beauty, but has also restored it to look better than ever.
Fernando spoke with Kennedy’s owner and we’ll have a gathering as soon as it is feasible to do so. She will welcome us with open arms. If you’re ever in Pontiac again, take some time to stop at Kennedy’s and have a drink and something to eat at OUR table!
425th Regimental Association Newsletter – Fall 2020
Dear Rangers,
We have been forced to cancel our Reunion Dinner that was scheduled for October 3rd. The current restrictions set by the Governor in regards to size of indoor gatherings and social distancing have made holding this event impractical. This was not an easy decision. The entire board, after much deliberation, agreed we did not have any other option.
We regret this decision, but conducting social events during this pandemic has been impossible. We will try to reschedule this for the spring of 2021. If you have any questions you can contact Fernando Campos at [email protected] or Bob Wangen at [email protected].
Donating our history to the Headquarters, MI NG Library
On Wednesday, Sep 16th our Adjutant, Bob Wangen, presented a copy of our history, Around the World Unseen, to the State Headquarters library. The book was presented to Chief of Staff, COL Bennett. Former Company F members, Majors Adam Jenzen and Jeff Johnson were invited to attend the presentation.
COL Bennett and LTC (Ret) Wangen
MAJ Jenzen, LTC (Ret) Wangen, MAJ Johnson
Make sure to join our new Facebook Group!
There are several Facebook groups for former members of Company F to join; however, all of these are closed groups that require you to be a member to participate in discussions with posts and comments. This new group, 425th Regimental Association, is an open group. It is also a moderated group to ensure that posts and comments are appropriate for anyone to view.
We will post news about the Association and its activities as well as information that will help veterans and surviving spouses.
Let us know what you think about it and we will do our best to improve it over time.
425th Regimental Association Calendar of Events:
All of our 2020 events have been canceled. We hope to reschedule these events beginning in the spring of 2021.
Congratulations to Basil Zaviski
Our resident artist and cartoonist, Basil Zaviski, has been inducted into the National Cartoonist Society. The Society was formed during World War II and has become the world’s largest and prestigious organization of professional cartoonist. We congratulate Basil on this honor – well deserved!
Information Resource for Surviving Spouses
Do you know of anyone who has had a military member pass away, or has it happened in your family? Army Echos is a site that provides information for retirees but also has a section dedicated to surviving spouses.
Dealing With Bills During COVID-19
There are some members out there that may be struggling to make ends meet during the poor financial situation brought about by Stay At Home orders. The Soldier For Life Retirement Blog on the Army Echoes website has some tips and resources that may help out.
Also, the Association has a limited ability to provide some financial support. The Gold Boot Fund can loan or grant funds to members within the limits of our financial resources. If you have a need contact us by email at [email protected].
How to get your FREE Flu shot
Military Retirees & Dependents
You should generally be covered under Tricare Prime or Tricare for Life. You may be eligible to receive your flu shot on base if your base has the available resources and facilities. If not, you should be able to use your Tricare coverage at an off-base location.
Flu Shots Through Tricare
Tricare offers a flu vaccination fact sheet. In short, yes, the flu shot is covered for free. Just keep in mind that you need to follow the correct processes to ensure you don’t pay anything out of pocket. Tricare Flu Vaccine Fact Sheet.
How to get a Free Flu Shot from the VA
You have to be in the VA’s medical system to receive your free flu shot from a VA clinic or hospital. If you are not already in their system, you will need to fill out VA Form 10-10EZ (pdf), take it to your local VA medical center, and provide a copy of your DD Form 214 to prove your military service. After you are in their system, they will require you to fill out a standard health questionnaire, and then you can get your shot. It’s that easy.
Earplug Lawsuit for Tinnitus & Hearing Loss
We’re not doctors or a lawyers, but we want you to be aware of a class-action lawsuit that was filed against the company that manufactured the Combat Arms Earplugs™ (CAEv2).
Apparently these earplugs were sold to the DoD with a known design flaw that reduced their effectiveness, resulting in hearing damage for many veterans.
The lawsuit covers military members who used these earplugs between 2003 and 2015.
You can find more information on the following link. This is a third-party website that works to connect people with legal representatives.
Our “Bill Mauldin,” Basil Zaviski, Gets Recognized
Our resident artist and cartoonist, Basil Zaviski, has been inducted into the National Cartoonist Society. The Society was formed during World War II and has become the world’s largest and prestigious organization of professional cartoonist. We congratulate Basil on this honor – well deserved!
National Airborne Day – August 16th.
Happy Birthday!
Eighty Years Old Today!
August 16, 1940, marks the date of the first official Army parachute jump at Ft. Benning, Georgia. The successful jump validated the innovative concept of inserting U.S. ground combat forces behind a battle line by parachute. President George W. Bush proclaimed National Airborne Day on August 14, 2002. On August 3, 2009, the US Senate of the 111th Congress recognized National Airborne Day with Senate Resolution 235.
Welcome to the 425th Regimental Association Photo Gallery!
In this space our members can upload pictures that can be viewed by everyone. You can also download any of the pictures displayed in this photo gallery. Our only request is that the pictures be in good taste and represent the best of our members and our Association. The 425th Association reserves the right to remove any pictures that do not meet this standard.
We wish to express our thanks to Walter Cronk, owner of Walter J. Cronk Photography, for hosting this gallery. This gallery would be possible without his support.
Click here to view the gallery – 425th Regimental Association Photo Gallery
Click here for instructions on how to upload your pictures to the gallery – How to Upload Pictures to the Gallery.
425th Regimental Association Newsletter – June 2020
425th Regimental Association Newsletter – June 2020
The Unit History is updated and back on the market!
The Company F History book is DONE! The book will be sold through Amazon and is available in both print and Kindle versions. You can order it immediately if you want by going to
Members who ordered copies before the corrections were made can contact Fernando Campos at [email protected] to coordinate getting a complimentary new copy.
There is a special offer – we have ordered 100 copies of the printed version and they will be signed by the authors and available for sale at the 82nd/425th Picnic for $20, a $5.00 discount.We have a new Facebook Group!
There are several Facebook groups for former members of Company F to join; however, all of these are closed groups that require you to be a member to participate in discussions with posts and comments. This new group, 425th Regimental Association, is an open group. It is also a moderated group to ensure that posts and comments are appropriate for anyone to view.
We will post news about the Association and its activities as well as information that will help veterans and surviving spouses. Let us know what you think about it and we will do our best to improve it over time.
425th Regimental Association Calendar of Events: In spite if the current health crisis, we are planning events for the remainder of the year. For the immediate future we are not planning any breakfast or lunch “Get-Togethers.”
- Joint 82nd Airborne Association/425th Regimental Association Picnic – 25 Jul 2020
This event will be held at the Bruce VFW Post in St. Clair Shores. This is a fun time with plenty to eat and drink. This is also the time when we hold our annual meeting and election of officers. Make sure you don’t miss this great time! As of this date, the 82nd Association has said they are planning to hold this event on schedule.
- Regimental Rendezvous – 7-9 August 2020
We have tentative plans for a “Guys Only” Regimental Rendezvous at Scott Bradley’s place in St. Helens. MI. There will be plenty to eat and drink as well as an opportunity to use your favorite firearm, either on the property or at a local commercial range.
- Michigan Ranger Base “Shoot-Eat-Drink” event – 22 August 2020
Join your fellow Rangers from Company F and Ranger battalions at Winnie Acres in Marine City, MI. All members of Company F are invited to join in this joint event with the US Army Ranger Association. Ranges are available for pistol and rifle, followed by a sit down dinner. This is an event for the whole family.
- Long-Range Reconnaissance Association Rally – 19-23 August 2020
The LRRA is the only national association for Long-Range Reconnaissance/Long-Range Surveillance units. This event is held in Branson, MO. More information to follow.
- Thunder Over Michigan Air Show – 29-30 August 2020
This is our one big fundraiser for the year. help guide people parking their cars and you get fed and have a chance to check out the air show and the re-enactors. This year will feature the Navy Blue Angels Demonstration Team.
- Regimental Reunion Dinner – 3 Oct 2020
Bring your wife or significant other to enjoy a great meal at Bakers of Milford. We plan to have a speaker that you don’t want to miss and will never forget. Stay tuned as we finalize plans for this.
425th Regimental Association Quartermaster Store
The Quartermaster Store is your “go to” place for all Company F clothing and memorabilia. We have T-shirts (long and short sleeve), hats, coins, and license plates.
Our newest item are three styles of 425th Regimental Association Knives. These are made by Kershaw, a leading manufacturer of knives, made in the USA.
Visit the online Quartermaster Store at
Information Resource for Surviving Spouses
Do you know of anyone who has had a military member pass away, or has it happened in your family? Army Echos is a site that provides information for retirees but also has a section dedicated to surviving spouses.
Dealing With Bills During COVID-19
There are some members out there that may be struggling to make ends meet during the poor financial situation brought about by Stay At Home orders. The Soldier For Life Retirement Blog on the Army Echoes website has some tips and resources that may help out.
Also, the Association has a limited ability to provide some financial support. The Gold Boot Fund can loan or grant funds to members within the limits of our financial resources. If you have a need contact us by email at [email protected].
Remembering June 6th, 1944
As I wrote this this morning I looked at my watch and thought that, at this time on June 6th, 1944, the Allied airborne forces, U.S. 82nd, 101st, and British 6th Airborne Divisions had been fighting all night long to keep German forces away from the invasion beaches. The 2nd Ranger Battalion was fighting for it’s life on the cliffs of Pointe Du Hoc. The 4th Infantry Division had discovered it had landed in the wrong place on Utah beach, The 1st and 29th Infantry Divisions were being cut to ribbons on bloody Omaha Beach and GEN Eisenhower was trying to decide if the invasion would succeed.
Take a few minutes of of your day today and thank these brave men, many of whom paid the ultimate price in the defense of freedom.
425th Regimental Association Newsletter – Summer 2020
425th Regimental Association Newsletter – Summer 2020
425th Regimental Association Calendar of Events:
In spite if the current health crisis, we are planning events for the remainder of the year. For the immediate future we are not planning any breakfast or lunch “Get-Togethers.”
- Regimental Rendezvous – 7-9 August 2020
We have tentative plans for a “Guys Only” Regimental Rendezvous at Scott Bradley’s place in St. Helens. MI. There will be plenty to eat and drink as well as an opportunity to use your favorite firearm, either on the property or at a local commercial range.
- Joint 82nd Airborne Association/425th Regimental Association Picnic – 25 Jul 2020
This event will be held at the Bruce VFW Post in St. Clair Shores. This is a fun time with plenty to eat and drink. This is also the time when we hold our annual meeting and election of officers. Make sure you don’t miss this great time!
- Michigan Ranger Base “Shoot-Eat-Drink” event – 22 August 2020
Join your fellow Rangers from Company F and Ranger battalions at Winnie Acres in Marine City, MI. All members of Company F are invited to join in this joint event with the US Army Ranger Association. Ranges are available for pistol and rifle, followed by a sit down dinner. This is an event for the whole family.
- Long-Range Reconnaissance Association Rally – 19-23 August 2020
The LRRA is the only national association for Long-Range Reconnaissance/Long-Range Surveillance units. This event is held in Branson, MO. More information to follow.
- Thunder Over Michigan Air Show – 29-30 August 2020
This is our one big fundraiser for the year. help guide people parking their cars and you get fed and have a chance to check out the air show and the re-enactors. This year will feature the Navy Blue Angels Demonstration Team.
- Regimental Reunion Dinner – 3 Oct 2020
Bring your wife or significant other to enjoy a great meal at Bakers of Milford. We plan to have a speaker that you don’t want to miss and will never forget. Stay tuned as we finalize plans for this.
425th Regimental Association Quartermaster Store
The Quartermaster Store is your “go to” place for all Company F clothing and memorabilia. We have T-shirts (long and short sleeve), hats, coins, and license plates.
Our newest item are three styles of 425th Regimental Association Knives. These are made by Kershaw, a leading manufacturer of knives, made in the USA.
Visit the online Quartermaster Store at
Information Resource for Surviving Spouses
Do you know of anyone who has had a military member pass away, or has it happened in your family? Army Echos is a site that provides information for retirees but also has a section dedicated to surviving spouses.
Memorial Day – 2020
In May 1868, General John A. Logan, the commander-in-chief of the Union veterans’ group known as the Grand Army of the Republic, issued a decree that May 30 should become a nationwide day of commemoration for the more than 620,000 soldiers killed in the recently ended Civil War. On Decoration Day, as Logan dubbed it, Americans should lay flowers and decorate the graves of the war dead “whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land.” According to legend, Logan chose May 30 because it was a rare day that didn’t fall on the anniversary of a Civil War battle, though some historians believe the date was selected to ensure that flowers across the country would be in full bloom. Decoration Day officially became Memorial Day in 1967.
It is on Memorial Day that we honor those service men and women who, in President Abraham Lincoln’s words gave that, “last great act of devotion.”
The Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1968 finally went into effect, moving Memorial Day from its traditional observance on May 30 (regardless of the day of the week), to a set day—the last Monday in May. The move has not been without controversy, though. Veterans groups, concerned that more Americans associate the holiday with first long weekend of the summer and not its intended purpose to honor the nation’s war dead, continue to lobby for a return to the May 30 observances. For more than 20 years, their cause was championed by Hawaiian Senator—and decorated World War II veteran—Daniel Inouye, who until his 2012 death reintroduced legislation in support of the change at the start of every Congressional term.
There are some formal rituals still on the books: The American flag should be hung at half-staff until noon on Memorial Day, then raised to the top of the staff. And since 2000, all Americans are encouraged to pause for a National Moment of Remembrance at 3 p.m. local time.
So, on this Memorial Day, enjoy being with your family, have a barbecue, but remember the reason for this day. Remember those who risked their life and are no longer with us. It is their sacrifice that gave you the freedom to do this.
New Product in the Quartermaster Store
425th Regimental Association Knives
Kershaw was founded in 1974 to design and manufacture tools that knife users would be proud to own, carry, and use. This has meant that every Kershaw knife must be of the highest quality. Kershaw pioneered the use of many of the technologies and advanced materials that are today standard in the knife industry.
Their SpeedSafe assisted opening knives were first-to-market. Their patented Sub-Frame lock enables us to make lightweight knives with secure blade lockup. Their exclusive Composite Blade technology, which combines two steels into one blade, gives knife users the best of both worlds by enabling them to use steel known for edge retention on the edge and steel known for strength on the spine.
Every Kershaw knife starts with American innovation, American design, and American engineering. It comes to life with precision manufacturing and meticulous quality control in their Tualatin, Oregon factory. These knives have been manufactured especially for the 425th Regimental Association with our scrolls and parachute wings engraved on the handle. You have the option of having our service dates (1968 to 2011) engraved on the blade or the handle.
These are all available for online purchase in the Quartermaster Store.
Dividend 1812 Knife (Dates engraved on the handle)
Link 1776 Knife (Dates engraved on the handle)
Link 1776 Knife (Dates engraved on the blade)
Around the World Unseen – The OFFICIAL history of Company F (RANGER) 425th Infantry
The Company F History book is DONE! The book will be sold through Amazon and is available in both print and Kindle versions. You can order it immediately if you want by going to
There is a special offer – we have ordered 100 copies of the printed version and they will be available for sale at the 82nd/425th Picnic for $20, a
$5.00 discount.
425th Regimental Association
Newsletter – Spring 2020
This seems like this is the only item on the news these days. Some of the measures are viewed by some as excessive and unnecessary. Time will tell if these measures were necessary or not, but I look at it like calling for artillery and close air support – I want it now and I want a lot of it. The best way to keep this thing manageable is to slow it down and reduce the spread of the virus before it overwhelms the healthcare system. This chart shows the positive impact of reducing contact and “social distancing.”
What can we do as individuals?
- Maintain social distancing. If you don’t HAVE to go somewhere, don’t go there. Fist bumps instead of hugs. Use your credit or debit card instead of cash. Use a disinfectant wipe on the card reader key pad.
- Wash your hands. I have turned into a “germiphobe.” When I go to a public restroom I wash my hands for 20 seconds (The time it takes to sing the Happy Birthday song twice), then use the paper towel to cover my hand when I turn off the tap and open the door, holding it open with my foot as I walk through. I have never been this picky but I don’t want to be a carrier.
- Call your family doctor if you start to show symptoms –
- Dry cough
- Fever
- Tiredness and fatigue
- Difficulty in breathing
- Self isolate if you think you have been exposed.
- Disinfect you objects. Clean things like your phone, car keys, table tops, steering wheel, etc. When we go out to eat (Not doing much of that anymore) my wife used disinfectant wipes on the chairs and table top.
- Follow the advice of your local public health agency.
Taps and Prayers for three of our Members
Earlier this month our Treasurer, Tom Neff, became ill. It is unclear exactly what happened to Tom, but it appears he may have had a slight stroke and his body chemicals are out of balance. All this has left him in a weak and confused state. He is currently in rehabilitation and expects to be home soon. You can contact him on his cell phone at 248-618-4240.
Joe Summers is in the hospital at St. John’s Hospital in Detroit. They believe he has also been stricken by the COVID-19 virus. You can contact him at 586-850-4450.
Sadly, we have to report the passing of SSG (ret) Don Johnson. He died on Sunday, 22 March at 2:47 PM. He may have died from the Corona Virus, but that is unclear at this time. He was a member of the Rigger Section and was known for his quiet, conscientious, and dependable manner. We don’t have any details on a funeral service, but will get the word out as soon as we know more.
Upcoming Association Events
In spite of the current health crisis, we are planning events for the remainder of the year. For the immediate future we are not planning and breakfast or lunch get-togethers. You can see all of our events on the Association website, just click on the Calendar of Events link on the left side of the website.
13-14 June 2020 – Regimental Rendezvous
We have tentative plans for a “Guys Only” Rendezvous at Scott Bradley’s place in St. Helens. There will be plenty to eat and drink as well as an opportunity to use your favorite weapon, either on the property or at a nearby commercial range.
25 Jul 2020 – Joint 82nd Airborne Association/425th Regimental Association Picnic
Held at the Bruce VFW Post in St. Clair Shores. This is a fun time with plenty to eat. This is also when we hold our annual meeting and election of officers. Make sure you don’t miss this great time!
22 August 2020 – Michigan Ranger Base “Shoot-Eat-Drink” event
Join with your fellow Rangers from Co F and Ranger battalions at Winnie Acres in Marine City. Ranges are available for pistol and rifle, followed by a sit down dinner. This is an event for the whole family.
29-30 August 2020 – Thunder Over Michigan Air Show
This is our one big fundraiser for the year. Help guide people parking their cars and you get fed and a chance to check out the air show and the re-enactors. This year will feature the Navy Blue Angel Demonstration Team.
3 Oct 2020 – Regimental Reunion Dinner
Bring your wife or significant other to enjoy a great meal at Bakers of Milford. We plan to have a speaker that you will want to hear and will never forget. Stay tuned as we finalize the plans for this.
New Rules for Commissary and Exchange Access
Effective 1 January 2020 access to Commissary, Exchange, and MWR Facilities (campgrounds, etc) has been expanded to the following veterans:
- All veterans will 1-100% service-connected disabilities
- Purple Heart recipients
- Former Prisoners of War
- Individuals who are designated as the primary family caregiver for an eligible veteran.
New patrons under this expansion solely under this expansion authority should be aware that they will be charged a small user fee to offset the increased expense caused by this expansion. You can get more information on this expansion at https://download.militaryonesource.access-fact-sheet.pdf.
Online Membership and Shopping on the Regimental website
You can renew your membership online through the Membership Center on the Association website. You can also purchase Regimental clothing, coins, license plates, and decals through the Regimental Quartermaster Store. We accept payment by PayPal, Visa, and Mastercard.
425th Regimental Association Board of Directors & Contact Information
President: Fernando Campos – [email protected]
Vice President Mark Evans – [email protected]
Secretary: Tony Lopiccolo – [email protected]
Treasurer: Dean Burchill (Acting) – [email protected]
Historian: Vacant – [email protected]
RCSM: Dean Burchill – [email protected]
Adjutant: Bob Wangen – [email protected]
Quartermaster: David Lincicome – [email protected]
———————————————End 2020